On 3rd April 2015. We were interviewed for our market opinion on the value of Job Seekers going for additional training. This was telecast between 7-10pm on Channel 5, Channel 8, Prime Time Asia and Channel News Asia.
Ever since people stopped trading carrots & celery for cows & chickens, the exchange of skills for a standardized exchangeable commodity was formed (Ie work for money), the people with the money have done all they could to prevent the people doing the work going elsewhere (at least the ones
RIGHT NOW! So decisive, directive, definitive, confident, firm, strong and certain. So absurd. When it comes out of the mouth of babes (The infant variety or otherwise), manager, colleague, parent or army sergeant; it takes on an entirely different shade of grey. (No, not fifty shades). “I want my 4
LinkedIn Sucks! All you have to do is log in and there in plain sight you will immediately see it, feel it, experience it. In the status updates, in the profiles, in the connections, in the groups. It even sucks in the pulse section. It just plain sucks! Now don’t
You are a good person. You studied hard, you got your diplomas and degrees. You treat old people kindly, pay your taxes and don’t drown kittens in washing machines. You donate your used Prada handbags to the Salvation Army and blood too if you’re not queasy. You don’t jaywalk, litter
You’ve read the books, you’ve sat at the feet of experts. You’ve even googled a site or two. You must have a cover letter expounds one and many. But to truly understand the value of a cover letter, you need be on the side of the desk receiving it. In
Sometime in May 2003, a bunch of Silicon Valley types got themselves sequestered in Reid Hoffman’s plush living room to discuss an idea that was to change the face of networking forever. I actually suspect a few turned up more for the free beer & chips! Now fast forward some
When was the last time you actually affixed a real postage stamp onto a real envelope and then dropped it into a real mailbox? Many of you may not realize this, but there was a time when resumes were actually typed onto paper (using a typewriter or Wordstar if you