7 Steps To Hire Ground

Feeling lost? We have the map to your job search success.

Everything starts with the first step. Let us show you all 7 steps you need to take to reach hire ground.


Class 7STHG

  • 20 per class. Location – CBD. Weekdays (1pm to 5pm) or (6.30pm to 10.30pm). Training workbook and light refreshment provided. Location - Suntec Office Towers. (Attended LinkedIn Career Essentials required)


A career means different things to different people. For some, its looking forward to a fulfilling experience, for others; a means to pay the bills. On average, you will work for about 30-40 years of your adult life and make 7 career changes. These series of life events happen after 15-20 years of your early formative years getting educated and then you are unceremoniously dropped into the deep end!

However, no one has actually taught you how to secure employment. You hear from well meaning friends & family and you throw a dart at the career dartboard hoping for a bulls-eye.

“The 7 Steps to Hire Ground” was designed and developed from the ground-up by 2 seasoned recruitment veterans with more then 25 years recruiting experience in total.

Each of these 7 steps have been designed by the recruiting industry to remove you from the process and each step requires a different counter-strategy. We will take you through the 7 steps starting out at the application process up till the offer signing; and guide you on how to navigate the obstacles effectively.

Sign up for this program and you learn the untold insider secrets that will give you that advantage ahead of your competition.

It is not the best driver in the fastest car that reaches the destination first, it is the one with the map!

Click here for detailed trainer biographies.

Click on 7 Steps To Hire Ground for program details.

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